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Marine and  biodiversity discovery activities on the Perharidy Peninsula. Fauna, flora, ecology and specific areas.

biodiversité et écosystèmes

Conferences on the themes of biodiversity and ecology, health and the environment 


Training in Ecology - Health -  Environment Professional courses in depolluting sites (soil, water, air and buildings), ecology and marine and terrestrial biodiversity.

Coucher de soleil

Environmental protection activities Perharidy peninsula.

Excursions and Conferences

Reservation: 02 51 57 86 31
For more information click here 
Degustation algues
Seaweed tasting (himanthalia elonga, sea spaghetti)
recherches nudibranches
Research and discovery of nudibranchs
Little egret (egretta garzetta) nesting site

Discovery of fauna, flora, ecology and specific themes, for example: edible and medicinal species (of marine algae and flora), sedimentology, mineralogy, ichthyology, crustaceans, ornithology, oceanography, environmental chemistry, etc.)

Plage observation

Beach cleaning (waste collection) 


Picnic and swimming activities possible 

LPO relay station for sick and injured birds   before sending to the Ile Grande care center (implementation in progress)

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